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Modern social justice crusaders are averse to Thanksgiving and all it stands for! Why? Because Thanksgiving, the holiday, and thanksgiving, the gratitude the holiday promotes and engenders, stand contrary to all the ideas that social justice, Marxist ideologues are trying to promote, including socialism and critical race theory.
Even though there are a few social justice advocates who may not realize it, they and their cohorts are terrified the real story about what happened at and near Plymouth from 1620-1623 will get out and become widely known and understood. A new book,
Heed the Pilgrims on Socialism and Critical Race Theory,
concisely reveals all, or certainly almost all, of the substantive information about the Pilgrims that woke leaders are feverishly working to keep under wraps.

Here are three questions you may be asking:
Question 1: Many of us have heard all our lives that we should admire the Pilgrims and be inspired by them. Why do we need to heed them?
Answer: Today we’re actually told we ought to scorn and despise the Pilgrims. This is no accident. The challenges the Plymouth settlers faced 400 years ago in the New World are remarkably similar to many we face today. The lessons they learned and the strategies they implemented offer us solutions that work. The Pilgrims knew the keys to establishing liberty; today we need to heed them to recover and maintain it.
The Pilgrims knew the keys to establishing liberty; today we need to heed them to recover and maintain it.
Question 2: What authority do the Pilgrims have to talk about socialism?
Answer: During the first two years of the Plymouth settlement, its members operated under a communal system that today we often call socialism. They learned the hard way the devastation socialist policies bring to both individuals and communities. After two years, fearing for their very survival, they ditched the communal system for one that upholds private property rights. Beyond that point, the community began to thrive.
Question 3: What can the Pilgrims possibly tell us about critical race theory (CRT)?

Answer: Critical race theory, which is spreading like wildfire throughout American culture, says oppression against people of color is systemic — that it is advanced by white people, who inherently are racists. We’re told that whites are oppressors and people of color are victims of white oppression; so white people need to feel guilty for their “whiteness” and “white privilege.”
Bolstering this narrative, historical revisionists are all too happy to portray the Pilgrims as having built their settlement on stolen land, and as having violently run roughshod over nearby Native American tribes. Not so fast! Not only did the Pilgrims forge a treaty with a neighboring Indian tribe, they also welcomed Squanto — a Native American himself — into their own community as a brother.
The Pilgrims’ story demonstrates that these newcomers to America weren’t racists. Contrary to the contemporary narrative, the settlers’ example actually shows us how to prevent and cure racism. Heed the Pilgrims reveals the Pilgrims’ secret! It’s an insight all of us should implement in our own lives and encourage others to apply as well — but it’s especially one social justice warriors should want to understand and promote. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen!
Contrary to the contemporary narrative, the settlers’ example actually shows us how to prevent and cure racism. Heed the Pilgrims reveals the Pilgrims’ secret!
Order your copy of Heed the Pilgrims today!

Bedrock Foundations Press, a subsidiary of Bedrock Foundations Media, is the publisher of Heed the Pilgrims on Socialism and Critical Race Theory.
top image credit: newsboy / Iowa City, Iowa / 1940 / Wikimedia Commons