Endorsement for the Bible Studies at Discover Bedrock Truth

The Bible studies at Discover Bedrock Truth are precisely what we need for such a time as this. Some pastors, overly influenced by German pietism, balk at anything that touches on any issue relating to public policy or government. But biblical morality doesn’t limit itself to the intensely personal. Biblical morality is concerned with public and social matters as well. And the gospel has implications that touch all areas of life. These Bible studies bring biblical morality and gospel truth to bear upon the most important issues of our day. Cornerstone Church in Mt. Laurel, NJ is pleased to use them and recommend them to others.
—Jeff Kliewer, pastor of Cornerstone Church
Endorsements for Principles of Liberty: Ten Biblical Truths Embedded in the Declaration of Independence

Nathaniel Sullivan’s Principles of Liberty curriculum is a beautiful, high quality presentation of the foundational truths of the American Republic for modern Christians. The truths within are valuable, of course, because they did not originate in 1776.…Rather, these principles originated in eternity past in the very character of God. They are reflected in the Holy Bible from whence the scaffolding of our nation was inspired scores of decades before 1776….
I wholeheartedly endorse Principles of Liberty: Ten Biblical Truths Embedded in the Declaration of Independence as a rare and valuable source of instruction for the modern Christian—one most needed during this troubling hour!
Only through a merciful interposition of Almighty God can America be saved from its present and ongoing suicide. Only through massive repentance from studious “Berean” Christ-followers can we expect for such a merciful interposition to take place (see Acts 17:10-11). Take this great work and learn from it, then share it with all your family and friends. Then pray for God to use you as the salt and light America needs and God requires from obedient disciples!
—Cary Gordon, Senior Pastor, Cornerstone World Outreach, Sioux City, Iowa, in a letter of endorsement for Principles of Liberty: Ten Biblical Truths Embedded in the Declaration of Independence
This [Principles of Liberty: Ten Biblical Truths Embedded in the Declaration of Independence] is an important tool for today’s Christian. For too long historians (some even so-called Evangelicals) have claimed the Founders were Deists or otherwise not Christians. Thankfully, new scholarship debunks these assertions.…
This release is timely. As the very foundation of American Government and American Society are under assault, developing an appreciation for the Founding Fathers and their work is more important than ever.…
What makes the Bible Study useful is that it explores American history and shows how biblical principles shaped our politics. This is a two-fold benefit. First, the Christian citizen should understand these biblical truths because they are at the heart of any good government. Second, the Christian should understand these biblical principles because they reflect God’s eternal nature.
Understanding these principles will help [every believer] not only be a better citizen but a better Christian.
—Capstone Report, in an article titled “Bible Study Explores Biblical Principles of America’s Founders”
In its June 30, 2020 e-newsletter to supporters and ministry friends, RenewaNation included this notice.
Principles of Liberty in the Declaration of Independence
Celebrate Independence Day and beyond by utilizing an excellent resource that Renewanation endorses called Principles of Liberty: Ten Biblical Truths Embedded in the Declaration of Independence. This five-session Bible study will help young people learn how the founding documents of America are built on biblical truth, how our country is departing from these ideas, and how we can find our way back. Click here to learn more about this series.
Here is a screenshot of the notice:
Renewanation also made its announcement on its Facebook page.

Pastor Cary Gordon is speaking for himself only, not for the organization or institution with which he is associated. The institution/organization named has been mentioned for identification purposes only.