A Disclaimer Regarding Quotations and Citation at Word Foundations and Discover Bedrock Truth

Sadly, Ravi Zacharias’s legacy will forever remain tainted because of the sexual abuse in which he engaged. You can read statements from the Board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries on the accusations brought against Zacharias and the subsequent investigation that occurred here.

These sad events have prompted me to issue this disclaimer for articles and Bible studies appearing at Word Foundations and Discover Bedrock Truth that include Zacharias’s material. When I wrote the articles and Bible studies that include one or more of his statements, no issues or questions about his behavior or ministry had surfaced. At the same time, despite the cloud that hangs over his ministry and legacy, I believe this material to be target and insightful. For these reasons I am keeping it in place, and issuing this disclaimer.

Readers should be aware that my citing Zacharias (or anyone else, or any source at all, for that matter), does not constitute an endorsement of that individual, ministry, website, or other source. Generally speaking, of course, I’m typically in agreement with the statements I cite that are supportive of the points I’m making, and in disagreement with those that are not supportive of those points or that oppose them. Context surrounding citations should inform readers clearly enough what my views are.

As always, I’m grateful to my readers for their interest and their engagement with the materials they find at Word Foundations and Discover Bedrock Truth.


B. Nathaniel Sullivan
March 29, 2022