Bible Studies at Discover Bedrock Truth

Welcome to Discover Bedrock Truth. Here you will find Bible studies that deal with issues and ideas churches ought to be addressing in our day — yet, for whatever reasons, most are avoiding them.

Here’s the good news: That can change. Pastors and Bible study leaders are invited to use these materials to tackle some otherwise tough or awkward subjects. Individuals are invited as well! You’ll discover, or rediscover, that God’s Word speaks to every area of life!

Discover Bedrock Truth — — is a storehouse of Bible studies addressing issues facing 21st-Century Americans. Its sister site, Word Foundations — — is a library of articles providing “insights and commentary from a biblical perspective.” Because of special relationship between these two websites, you’ll frequently find links at Word Foundations to material at Discover Bedrock Truth, and vice versa.

—B. Nathaniel Sullivan—


Pilgrims Landing / Edward Percy Moran

Thank God for Free Enterprise!
A Thanksgiving Bible Study Exploring Issues Raised in chapter 1 of Heed the Pilgrims on Socialism and Critical Race Theory.


Jennie Augusta Brownscombe, Thanksgiving at Plymouth, 1925

Why the Pilgrims Were Especially Thankful in 1623: A Discussion Guide

At this Word Foundations link, you’ll find a unique resource for families and friends gathered together for Thanksgiving. It’s a discussion guide you can use to learn about and talk about some of the Pilgrims’ hardships during the first two years they lived at Plymouth. Also highlighted is an important victory they celebrated at the end of those two years. You’ll see the hand of God at work in their journey!

Order your copy of Heed the Pilgrims on Socialism and Critical Race Theory, a new book by B. Nathaniel Sullivan, available on Kindle and in a softcover edition. Learn more here and here.


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Nine Biblical Principles that Expose the Social Justice Movement and Marxism as Contrary to Authentic Christianity: A Bible Study
A Single-, Two-, or Three-Session Study


Foundation of the American Government / John Henry Hintermeister / 1925

Epilogue: What Did America’s Founders Believe About Biblical Teachings Addressing Nine Principles of Marxism 


John Trumbull / The Declaration of Independence

Principles of Liberty: Ten Biblical Truths Embedded in the Declaration of Independence
A Five-Session Bible Study Series


The Oldwick General Store in Tewksbury Township, New Jersey

Principles of Economic Liberty: The Biblical Case for Free Enterprise
A Six-Session Bible Study Series



Could Jesus Have Been a Good Teacher Without Being God?
Upholding Jesus’ Deity and Absolute Truth in a Relativistic Age
A Single-Session Bible Study


Photo by Al Elmes on Unsplash

Who Is Jesus? We Marvel but Aren’t Left to Wonder!
A Christmas Bible Study, Meditation, and Reflection
The Lord made sure the shepherds not only knew who Jesus was, but also how to find Him and identify Him. As it turns out, this wasn’t the only time God would reveal who Jesus was. We need to heed what the Lord has told us about Jesus and joyfully welcome Him into our lives. Can you think of a more appropriate time of year to do these things than Christmas? Neither can I!



Sharing God’s Truth in a World Where People Believe Each Person Can Make Up His or Her Own Truth: Several Important Things to Keep in Mind



Copyright © 2021 by B. Nathaniel Sullivan. All rights reserved.

top photo credit: Lightstock

photo credit: Oldwick General Store

study series